Halloween is normally filled with parties and spooky, scary, creepy things that go bump in the night. But, you can also learn something valuable from this holiday. You can learn how to step out of your comfort zone by being yourself, meeting new people and discovering the magic of thinking bigger.

Be Yourself
A big part of being yourself is knowing who you are and developing an accurate, true sense of self. Being honest with yourself to figure out your good and bad traits based on your defining characteristics will help you to see yourself as you are right now. Now, these defining traits are not set in stone and these traits will change as you begin to evolve into your true authentic self. The goal of this exercise is to encourage you to become more self-aware. The more you venture out of your comfort zone, the more you will be able to fully understand who you are and what you ultimately love to do in life. To get out of your comfort zone, take small steps and do something different that you normally wouldn’t do, but you’ve always wanted to do. The more experiences you have will help you to grow and be more confident with a better understanding of your unique individuality! Halloween is a great holiday for self-expression by creating your own interpretation through your costume choices and themed parties, so go out there, be yourself, enjoy life, and have some fun by just being YOU!

Meet New People
Start a conversation with someone new whether at a Halloween party, at the bus stop, the gym, or wherever you happen to be. This will probably make you nervous and feel as if you need a lot of courage to speak to new people. In 1994’s The Mask, Dr. Arthur Neuman said, “We all wear masks… metaphorically speaking.” Especially, during Halloween, literally and figuratively, but that shouldn’t stop you from meeting new people. This is a great way to get out of your comfort zone. You will realize you don’t need a bunch of confidence or courage to start a conversation and you may even learn something new from them. This is a great experience for you to get some really good advice about life and you may realize the things you don’t want in life but it’s up to you to figure out the lessons.

The Magic of Thinking Bigger
The magic of thinking bigger can help us to remember our beliefs by taking action in our lives toward our dreams. In 1993’s The Nightmare Before Christmas, Jack Skellington said, “Just because I cannot see it, doesn’t mean I can’t believe it!” Even though you may not be able to see what you can achieve, that shouldn’t ever stop you from creating a fulfilling life no matter the challenges that lay before you. Try something new, such as a new hobby, start a blog, look for a new job, or whatever will make you happy and get you out of a perceived rut. Expanding your inner boundaries will require a new way of thinking than before and you will have to push past those self-imposed limitations in order to define the understanding of your inner growth.

Be patient with yourself when journeying to self-discovery because it’s fun to learn new things about yourself that you didn’t know before! Happy Halloween!