Google completed 10 years of research on what makes a good manager at a company. These 10 traits resonated with Team NRPR, as they reminded us of our own CEO, Nicole Rodrigues. Over the next 10 days, we are running a special series on this blog with our reactions to the list and what it means to be a good leader, written by individual NRPR staff members. This is post 3 of 10 in the series.

Successful people are often sought after to become leaders. Why? Because people want to learn what they did to get to where they are now and helping others to succeed is one of the most important skills to master as a leader. And, you know what they say, “with great power comes great responsibility.” Leaders need to have a strong sense of self that creates an inclusive team environment incorporating an expressed interest, concern for success and the personal well-being of their team members. Strong coaching skills creates an empowering approach that points your team towards the tools they will need to succeed in strengthening their own resourcefulness and insight through genuine respect that ultimately contributes to your business’s value overall.

Leaders understand that success is a process and happens over time with daily commitments, daily grinds, that are aligned with your life’s purpose. Highly successful leaders must create good habits that back your good reputation and set a course that helps your employees to achieve their own values as employees. The energy of the business will begin with the leader and it’s your job to coach your team to greatness because they see what is possible through the actions of a leader. The environment at NRPR encourages a collaboration of innovation, uniqueness, creativity, positive involvement and new discoveries. A great coach leads by example and provides an atmosphere that genuinely promotes a belief in one another to be the best version of themselves and that inspires you to work even harder because you truly enjoy what you do.  At NRPR you’re addicted to becoming successful, addicted to achieving every goal that is set and addicted to continuously growing for the better to one day become a strong leader.

Shantel Carvalho is an Account Coordinator at NRPR Group.